Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Casco Viejo

View of Casco Viejo from the fish market
 Casco Viejo is one of my very favorite places to visit in Panama so I will probably (most certainly) have many posts following this vibrant, emerging town. It is just outside of Panama City, right at the end of Balboa Ave. It was built in the 1500's during the time of Pirates and Buccaneers. I can picture them in my minds eye, just like a scene from Pirates of the Carribbean. "Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me!" I literally wander aimlessly around the centuries old cobblestone streets for hours, peering in windows (which I probably shouldn't do) and open doors. I photograph the old tiled sidewalks and once majestic facades that now stand as mere shells of their former glory. My dear friend Xiaoning was visiting me on this particular trip so it was fun to see this place through the eyes of a tourist.
Graffiti art by Rolo de Sedas
Wandering, wandering, wandering...
Life imitates art.

Shopping local
We purchased some beautiful hand embroidered pillow covers, and I found a new Mola to turn into something fabulous. That will be a separate post ;)
Iglesia de la Compania de Jesus
We wandered upon a very old lady feeding stray cats in La Compania church. There are MANY stray dogs in Panama, but they don't get as much attention as the cats. Xiao and I both have dogs, so we took an interest in this little guy.
Xiaoning and Viv with Panama City in the background
Esteban Huertas Promenade
We wandered along this beautiful stretch along the waterfront. I call it the Tourist Gauntlet as you can't walk 2 feet without someone trying to sell you local handicraft that most probably was made in China. Shop wisely my friends...
Granclement boutique ice cream shop
So after all this wandering around, shopping, and posing for touristy photos, I was ready for a little refreshment. I spotted this cute little place and fell in love with the artfully displayed scoop collection. How clever is that! And then I went inside..... :)

Thursday, February 18, 2016


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I just added Bloglovin' to feed my social media addiction. It gets easier to connect with the USA and the entire WORLD everyday. I am amazed by the leaps and bounds technology has made in connecting every inch of this big blue marble. Good or bad, not sure. It does make me feel a little less homesick :(.