Thursday, March 3, 2016

Isla Contadora

When my guests were here, we went with them to Isla Contadora, one of the beautiful Pearl Islands off of the coast of Panama in the Pacific.
We took a ferry from the Balboa Yacht Club on the Amador Causeway.
The ride took about 1hour and 15 minutes, but the time went by quickly. They showed a movie on a flatscreen TV on the boat. I think it was Jurassic Park, but I didn't pay attention. Plus it was in Spanish...
It was late February which is the "dry" season in Panama. The weather was gorgeous and the sky was as clear as the water. It made for smooth sailing, although the return trip was a little choppy. I spotted my future private paradise along the way......
The ferry stopped a few yards out and from there we took a little local johnny boat to shore. #saltlife
The water was beautiful and clear, with not too many waves.
I was able to search for sea glass and smooth rocks for my collections... #beachcombing
I wandered a around the island on my own before the tide got too high.
With a little paint and some elbow grease, I could have this up and running in no time! This boat was similar to the one we took back to Panama (kidding). #graffittiart
I found a project that had been abandoned half way through. I don't know what happened during the construction but the view was breathtaking. I pictured myself floating in the crystal pool with a Mojito in my hand...
I had always wanted to visit the Pearl Islands and was glad I had a chance to go with my friend Xiaoning.  Like most of Panama, it has beautiful aspects, and areas that just couldn't quite make it in the battle for tourism dollars. I liked it and enjoyed it's beauty. I will return to explore another day. Maybe by private plane?

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