Thursday, February 16, 2017

Decorate a lampshade

   I really like the base of this lamp I bought, but the stark white lampshade was begging for something colorful. It just looked so "blah" against the off white wall. I decided to get out my fabric markers and do a little experimenting.
   I looked for some inspiration on my Pinterest color&pattern page. I am a Pinterest junkie so I have quite a few images collected. I found some cookies I had pinned and experimented with shapes and colors on some paper. I chose 5 colors to use in my palette from my Tulip brand and Marvy brand markers. My black marker was a little dried out so I used a Sharpie.
   I taped up the designs to see which one I liked the best, because I didn't want to make a mistake that I would have to live with.
   I tested the shapes on the seam of the shade which would be facing the wall. I was a little disappointed to discover the Sharpie marker bled a little on the fabric. I decided it didn't matter that much and decided to just go for it.
   I drew the shapes one at a time so they would be evenly distributed. I discovered that if I drew them a little faster the color would not bleed as much.
   I was pleased with the outcome. It is not perfect, but no one will notice the mistakes. I tend to over analyse everything so I was proud of myself for just getting it done.
I even like the way it looks in the daylight. It makes me happy :)

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