Friday, February 3, 2017

Hot Now

  I was SSSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! excited when I realised that the building going up across the street from my apartment was going to be a Krispy Kreme Coffee and Donut Shop. Not necessarily because I love donuts (I do), but because it was a little piece of home. A slice of America. Elizabeth and I walked by everyday and checked out the progress. Finally the grand opening was in sight. Never in my wildest dreams would I have guessed the party that would ensue. The Panamanians know how to throw a grand opening party!!!
  When they erected the barriers for crowd control I thought that was a little much. Then the DJ started spinning and the crowd arrived. They lined up all night to be the first ones in. Free donuts for life for the first 13. Free donuts and t-shirts for the first few hundred.


they did indeed wait all night...
   It took a while for the hoopla to die down. As much as I do enjoy a delicious donut, I did not want to wait 30 minutes for one.

It was a Monday and as EM did not have school that day, I was to pick her up in Alyn's lobby. Walking by Krispy Kreme, the Hot Now sign caught my eye. I was a little early to get EM so I decided to cross the gauntlet of a street and finally indulge my sweet tooth.

I witnessed the delicious confections being glazed behind the clean glass, and smelled the mouth watering aroma that could only be deep fried heaven.
   After surveying every flavour for several minutes, I ordered the Triple Chocolate. Luckily the flavours are in English so it was quite an easy process. I am very far from being bilingual. After paying $1.30, the kid emerged from behind the counter and handed me a donut libre. That means a FREE original glazed donut!!! When I asked him "por que?", he said "hot now". In the past I had always overlooked these as being too plain, but I gratefully accepted this present.
   Once in the lobby I decided to try the plain donut. It was still a little warm, and the shiny glaze was a little sticky. After the first bite, I realised the significance of Hot Now. Plain or not, that was the best donut I ever had. Now every time I walk by Krispy Kreme, I look to see if the Hot Now beacon will summon me again. It has....

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